Requesting Donations

The Thurston County Bar Association’s by-laws state that one of TCBA’s founding purposes is to “assist nonprofit organizations that provide legal services to the general public for little or no cost, and to assist charitable organizations through donations of time and money.”  Given the volume of requests for monetary donations in recent years, TCBA has implemented a formal process to provide those organizations seeking donations with greater clarity and certainty regarding the process.

To request a donation, organizations must submit a completed Annual Donation Application Form (click here to obtain an electronic copy of the Form) by September 1 for the following calendar year.  For example, to request a donation to be given in 2018, an organization must complete and return an Annual Donation Application Form by September 1, 2017.

By November of each year, TCBA’s Board of Directors will consider the timely submitted Annual Donation Application Form and determine which requests to grant, and the amount of each donation.

In making donation determinations, the Board will be guided by the purposes of TCBA as stated in its by-laws:

  • To enhance the working relationship among the members by providing opportunities through periodic meetings and social gatherings to establish contacts with each other.
  • To provide opportunities for continuing legal education by periodically offering classes for the members on topics of professional growth and development.
  • To provide information about the legal profession and the legal community to the local community through a Speaker’s Program, in which the TCBA membership provides, upon request, at a time mutually convenient and at no charge, an attorney or judge to speak to any school or community organization located in Thurston County.
  • To assist nonprofit organizations that provide legal services to the general public for little or no cost, and to assist charitable organizations through donations of time and money.
  • To assist the voters in making informed choices about the candidates for judicial positions through the use of a Judicial Elections Bar Poll.

Priority will be given to donation requests made by organizations that serve a greater number of TCBA’s purposes, are Thurston County-centric in their services, serve a larger number of individuals, serve at-risk populations, relate to legal or judicial issues, utilize volunteers to provide their services, provide educational programs, and are non-profit organizations.

Please direct any questions about the process to Thank you for your interest.

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