Police Auditor
The City of Olympia is soliciting a qualified auditor to review specified investigations within the Olympia Police Department (OPD).
The Police Auditor is selected and retained by the City Council. The City Council’s General Government Committee is leading the recruitment and hiring process for a Police Auditor. They will make a final recommendation to the full Council for approval.
The Police Auditor will be responsible for the following:
- Reviewing police professional standards investigations relating to complaints about the Police Department or its employees to determine if the investigations meet the standard of being complete, thorough, objective, and fair.
- Reviewing all complaints about police employees that allege the use of excessive or unnecessary force, civil rights violations, or bias. Review of all reported uses of force within the department as defined in Olympia Police Department General Order 1.3.
- Providing an impartial review of the Police Department’s internal investigative process and verification of the Department’s compliance with established policy and procedures.
- Filing a mid-year and annual report with the City Council, with a copy to the City Manager which lists the complaint type, whether additional investigation was requested, the response, and a finding on each complaint case audited indicating whether the investigation met established standards or failed to meet established standards. Each report shall give an analysis of key trends and patterns, and recommendations for revisions.
The deadline for this RFQ is 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, Wednesday, September 22, 2020. Earlier responses are welcome.
To obtain information to submit qualifications, please visit Washington State’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS). The Request for Qualifications can be found by in WEBS by searching:
Organization Name: Olympia, City of
Customer reference number: OLY-RFQ-001
Please note: if you obtain information through any other process, such as by public records request, you will NOT be added to the list of bidders who receive addenda and other information sent to those who register as bidders.