The Ethics of Pro Bono Advice and Representation
presented by
Amy Perlman, Attorney, Connolly Tacon & Meserve
John Kesler III, Attorney, Bean Gentry Wheeler & Peternell
Bonnie Rosinbum, Managing Attorney, Thurston County Volunteer Legal Services
Ryan Cole, Volunteer Legal Program Manager, Thurston County Volunteer Legal Program Manager
Attorneys who have experience volunteering with pro bono organizations will review the relevant RPCs that cover the relationship between attorney and client in the volunteer legal clinic environment. This includes:
RPC 6.1: duty to provide pro bono services
RPC 1.1: competent representation
RPC 1.7 to 1.10: conflict of interest
RPC 1.2 (c): scope of representation
RPC 1.4: keeping client informed
RPC 1.14: client with diminished capacity
Presenters will also review additional ethical considerations for attorneys who work for governmental agencies (RCW 42.52)
1 ethics credit is pending approval from WSBA