Eviction Resolution Project and Rental Assistance Funds CLE presented by Jody Suhbier, Executive Director at the Dispute Resolution Center serving Thurston and south Mason County in Washington State and Bonnie Rosinbum, Equal Justice Attorney at the Thurston County Volunteer Legal Services
With the eviction moratorium coming to an end on June 30th and many community members struggling either to pay or receive rent, join us to learn about the Eviction Prevention Pilot Program.
The presentation will address the three-pillar Eviction Prevention Pilot Program, partners integral to the effort, working with tenants and landlords on rental and pay back agreements, and what the end of the eviction
moratorium means for our courts and community.
June 10, 2021
11:50 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Zoom (the Zoom link will be emailed to you two days before the CLE)
Cost is $25
1 CLE credit is pending approval with the WSBA.