The Thurston County Bar Association presents…
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure: Case Updates and Research Tools CLE presented by AAG Evelyn Fielding Lopez on January 14, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. on Zoom.
AAG Evelyn Fielding Lopez, former Executive Director of the Public Disclosure Commission, will discuss the background and significance of the Washington v. Grocery Manufacturers lawsuit that was recently upheld by the Court of Appeals, and a complaint regarding paid newspaper endorsements that is currently before the PDC. In addition, we will review campaign finance filing requirements and data available on the PDC website.
1 CLE credit is pending approval with the WSBA. The cost to attend the CLE is $25.
To RSVP: Please register and pay online by January 13, 2021. If you would like to pay by check, please mail your name, WSBA#, email address, and a $25 check to TCBA, PO Box 1653, Olympia, WA 98507 by January 13, 2021. You will receive the Zoom link two days before the CLE.