City of Bonney Lake Seeking Conflict Counsel Services
The City of Bonney Lake provides indigent defense services to individuals who have been certified for representation in criminal charges before the Bonney Lake Municipal Court for which Bonney Lake is responsible for providing indigent defense services either due to the defendant being charged by Bonney Lake or based on an agreement with other city or cities to provide indigent defense services. There are times when the City’s appointed Public Defender is not available to provide the services due to a conflict of interest. When such conflict or conflicts occur, the City will need Conflict Counsel to provide the indigent defense services.
The City is seeking Conflict Counsel, who is a licensed attorney in good standing in the state of Washington to perform services to indigent defense clients under contract with the City when a conflict for the Public Defender exists.
The City will pay Conflict Counsel for services rendered a sum of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00) per case and an additional Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per case for any RALJ appeal to Pierce County Superior Court, exclusive of filing fees. Provided, however, that the maximum amount payable in any one calendar year is limited to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) unless amended to increase the maximum amount.
Individuals or firms interested in providing Conflict Counsel review to the city can e-mail John Vodopich, City Administrator for further information.
John Vodopich, City Administrator
City of Bonney Lake