Request for Applications
The Department of Corrections is seeking qualified attorneys to represent offenders at community custody hearings. Attorneys must be licensed to practice law in Washington State and be familiar with the statutes, court rules, constitutional provisions, and case law relevant to community custody hearings. Applications will be accepted until further notice.
In Grisby v. Herzog, 362 P.3d 763 (2015), Division 1 of the Washington State Court of Appeals decided that offenders under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections may have a right to a case-by-case determination of whether attorney representation is needed at particular types of hearings.
The Department of Corrections conducts community custody hearings statewide, following arrest of an offender for alleged violation(s) of their court ordered or Department imposed community custody conditions, requirements, and instructions. They are also held to address prison infractions when the inmate faces revocation of a drug offender sentence alternative (DOSA). Most community custody hearings are held in local jails, although some hearings are held at prison facilities. Contracted attorneys will be responsible for gaining access to the location where the hearing is to be held. Initial hearings are typically held within 10 days of the offender’s arrest; if an attorney is needed, the hearing will be continued for about another week to appoint an attorney and allow preparation time.
The Department maintains a rotating list of attorneys, available in each county, to represent offenders at community custody hearings. Once the need for attorney representation has been determined for a given case, the Department will notify the next available attorney on the list and offer that attorney the case. The attorney will have 1 (one) hour from the time of the notification to accept the case. If the attorney does not respond or accept the case within the 1 (one) hour the Department may offer the case to the next available attorney on the list. Attorneys on the list may decline to accept a case for any reason, however, upon acceptance of a case, the attorney is expected to follow the terms of the contract with the Department. These positions pay $60 per hour, up to a maximum of 10 hours ($600) per case.
The Department will review applications as received, and award contracts to all qualified applicants. Interested attorneys should contact to request an application. Please direct any questions to or Aaron Talmage at (360) 725-9310.