2016 Law Day Speech Contest
Sponsored by the Thurston County Bar Association and the West Olympia Rotary.
This year’s topic is, in your opinion, what is the most appropriate legal, social, and moral response to the issue of admitting refugees into the United States? From Syrians fleeing their country’s civil war to Central Americans escaping their countries’ drug wars, the United States has faced a rush to its borders that has sparked a heated political debate. Your speech should lay out your personal views of how our country should handle these immigration issues.
Speech presenters are encouraged to take a historical perspective on how the United States has legally dealt with admitting refugees throughout our country’s history. We strongly encourage presenters to express their own thoughts and ideas about how our country has historically treated refugees from around the world and how we should currently treat individuals who come to our country searching for freedom and a better way of life.
Contestants can use current and past laws to highlight their arguments or can design their own laws to address the immigration issues they have identified.
The speech should be approximately five to seven minutes long. The preliminary round will be on April 19, 2016 at 5:15 p.m. that will take place in Superior Court at the main Thurston County Courthouse. The top three speeches will advance to a final round on May 3, 2016 at a West Olympia Rotary lunch from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Viewpoint Room at the West Bay Marina. Prize money will be awarded to the top three speeches. The total prize money to be split among the top three speeches is $1,800.
This speech contest is open to all high school students attending high school in Thurston County. DEADLINE: You must notify us of your intent to participate in the speech contest no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 5, 2016. Please e-mail your intent to participate with your name, grade, school, and contact information to tcba.info@nullgmail.com. If you have specific questions, please contact Heather at the Thurston County Bar Association at tcba.info@nullgmail.com.